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Seven Consulting Wellness Services




A confidential solution-focused wellness service, tailor designed for your ultimate health, happiness and performance outcomes. 




Imagine what it will be like to wake up each day energized and prepared with individualized tools to help you calmly deal with stress and uncertainty. While feeling confident to embrace challenges, change and the priorities of work and life with acceptance, clarity, and focus.

Learning and utilising specific resilience, wellness, and communication skills helps us to cope with stress, change, conflict, grief, illness, the uncertainty of global environments and our transition into the technological age much more effectively. Combining this with discovering new ways to connect authentically with ourselves, our bodies, and others, enables us to bounce back faster after a setback. Ensuring we can create and innovate with greater speed of adaptation, while focusing effectively on personal and professional development, and improving our physical, mental, emotional and social health, including overall life satisfaction.

There is now decades of research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and economics providing irrefutable evidence of the positive impact of movement, meditation, emotional intelligence, and healthy lifestyle habits, by igniting a deeper sense of support, peacefulness, and calm confidence. It has even been proven that kindness is the opposite to stress and brings in a calming effect on our body from oxytocin. Additional benefits to healthy habits include:

  • Increased trust, engagement, and motivation with ourselves and others
  • Improved brain productivity and performance
  • Better focus, concentration, and management of workload pressures
  • Sustained mind-body health and wellbeing
  • Fostering a more harmonious community feeling amongst our teams
  • Creating and sustaining a healthy, connected, and positive relationships

With the digital age demanding that we always be available, the ability to be connected 24/7 with work, friends, and family can be a positive experience, but it can also create feelings of distraction, exhaustion, anxiety or overwhelm, especially when faced with uncertainty, change, and challenges. Due to this constant sense of distraction, it becomes difficult to focus on how we are feeling, what our bodies need, and be able to listen and respond with curiosity, rather than stress-induced reactions. Taking a toll on our mood, energy levels, confidence, performance, and mindset.

Most of us know what we “should” be doing when it comes to healthy habits and behaviours… we often just don’t know where to begin or lack the energy and motivation to start! Here is where coaching can help, combining neuroscience, kindness, peak performance behaviour change, and the simple why’s, why not’s, dos, and don’ts of living a stress-less life.

Drawing from scientifically proven techniques and industry best practice, your 1:1 coaching session will provide you with practical skills, and insight, as you discover many of the common barriers too committed utilisation of healthy wellness habits through periods of excess stress. Walking away with a personalised toolkit aligned to your personal and professional needs, and preventative strategies for implementing healthier coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and change.


For many the hardest part too engaging in coaching is taking the first step, asking for help, and even knowing where to start when we are feeling overwhelmed and often totally exhausted by the thought of change. Our recommendation is to reach out for guidance and support at the first sign of excess stress, or any emotional, physical, relationship or mental distress.

We recognise there is still quite a large stigma in Australia when it comes to workplace coaching, and mental health support. Our aim is to help eradicate this stigma and reduce the bottleneck of crisis and emergency cases on our health care system by working with individuals to create a healthy, happy, and holistic relationships to simple everyday wellness solutions and choices, tailor designed for you, with you.

All the greatest international sports people have coaches to help reach their personal best and performance goals and targets, working to constantly improve mental, emotional, and physical capabilities while facing increased stress and pressure. We see your wellness and personal and professional growth, development, and performance as no different. Your goals require the same care, diligence, and expert guidance to succeed in an ever changing and evolving environment. This idea that “we should do it alone” is no longer sustainable as we move further into redesigning the way we work and the future of work, leadership, and life within the technological age.

The only regret we have ever heard from clients after a session is “I wish I’d booked in sooner; I can’t believe I waited this long to prioritise myself, my health and my happiness.”


Coaches don’t tell people what to do, we support you to explore and achieve how you want to feel, and what you are wanting to experience within your life.

Most often people turn too coaching when they need support, clarity and/or are at a crossroads in their life. Coaching gives you a chance to talk through things, often regulating stressful emotions, providing relief from overwhelm and uncertainty, and giving back an inner sense of control when faced with change and clearing the way for you to focus and decide what’s next. Coaching can also provide you with a sense of direction and greater ability to achieve your goals, while elevating your energy, mood, mindset, and relationships.

These sessions will give us an opportunity to chat through what is going on for you and how coaching and behavioural change tools can support you through changing, challenging, and stressful periods. We will discuss where you are, what feelings are arising and then create a gentle and practical road map with simple steps to take every day to feel supported to where you’d like to be.

All sessions booked are 100% private, unless you advise your employer personally, they are unaware of which staff use our services.

Each session will be a confidential and tailored conversation to determine your current individual requirements and desired outcomes, as we review the different areas of your life, work, relationships, and mental, emotional, and social wellness. Our focus will be on encouraging you to action “how you want to feel” through simple and practical tips and tools to gain the confidence to make small changes within the current situation. We will set goals, consider your options, overcome obstacles, and take back a sense of peacefulness and control.

Together we will also create ways for you to return to a place of calm, focused clarity, and emotional regulation when you are facing unprecedented changes and challenges within specific areas of your life. These sessions will support you to deal with work-life stressors and improve your resilience and mental, emotional, financial, digital, leadership, relationship, and physical wellness.

At the end of your initial session, we will discuss a personalised recommendation for future session regularity as you move through these lifestyle changes. After this initial 60min session we recommend a minimum of 2 follow up sessions of approx. 30mins to continue your coaching accountabilities and support.

Over the last 12 years Kyla has coached and consulted for many of Australia’s Top Tier Corporates, Community Sector NFP’s, Government and Councils, and Educational Institutions. Her work disrupts the norms to create sustainable leadership and wellness change, from the inside, out with a huge dose of science backed self awareness, radical personal accountability, positivity and play.

Based on the principles of healthy and happy lifestyles, kindness, presence, acceptance, creativity and self awareness, her coaching sessions will empower you to become a self led wellness intrapreneur. Working 1:1 with Kyla will have you feeling clear headed, resilient through stress and change and supported to take action and fulfil your role with confidence, clarity, calm and control.

Each sessions provides you with greater clarity, and a step by step methodology to create an internal environment and plan to support you to cope with stress. This will include choosing healthier behaviours and ways of dealing with any communication breakdown directly to deliver high performance with a deep sense of peacefulness and pride.


Kyla and her team care about your mental health and wellness and have an ongoing supervision and referral partnerships with a team of clinical psychologists, counsellors, and lifeline Australia. This enables us to ensure your optimum mental health care, safety and support. If at any time you are concerned about your mental health, or that of a family member, please reach out to us directly below and we will discuss our recommended referral options and we can book these directly for you, free of charge and without our consulting arrangement.








Our service provides bespoke tailor designed 1:1 coaching and counselling and therefore we do not offer a 24/7 emergency hotline. If yourself or a family member requires crisis support we recommend that out of hours you contact Lifeline or one of the other relevant and recommended hotlines. At the same time reach out to our team and we will get in touch within business hours.

Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services, including call and text. You can ask us for help and support on 13 11 14 if events or experiences in your life are causing you a lot of stress. If your life is in immediate danger, always call triple zero (000). 


As we move through changing times it is essential we allocate even more time daily for our wellness, movement, mood and mindset. Below you will find specific sections with FREE resources, tips, tools and downloads for you to KICKSTART your personalised Elevate Your Wellness toolkit. We’d recommend scheduling activities in morning, noon and night (even 5mins can have a huge shift in your mood, mindset and energy) to support your nervous system, keep you active and your brain activated with so much ONLINE distraction and stimulation. BE SURE to CHECK here regularly as LOTS more working support, tips, tools, challenges and playtivities will be added along the way.



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