elevate your relationships
elevate your relationships + kids
fun date night + local playtivities for everyone

what is your LOVE language?
podcasts to elevate relationships
support for kids and teens
Kyla has been working with at risk teenagers and youth since 2010 and currently heads up a teen led, Empowering Teens movement supportive teenagers with lived experience to turn their pain into powerful transformation in their life and others. As well as booking your family in for a 1:1 Coaching session with our team if you’d like to find out more online, here are some organisations that we support and trust:
- Lifeline (support for anyone having a personal crisis) — call 13 11 14 / Text Services – 0477 13 11 14
- Kids Helpline (telephone and online counselling for ages 5-25) — call 1800 55 1800
- headspace (mental health service for ages 12-25) and eheadspace (online and phone support)
- ReachOut.com (youth mental health service) — online help
- SANE Australia (people living with a mental illness) — call 1800 18 7263
- Suicide Call Back Service (anyone thinking about suicide) — call 1300 659 467
- Health Direct .. FREE mental health support when you need it
- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia – Supporting healthy lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities throughout Australia and the world, free from stigma and discrimination.
You can also ask your doctor or a mental health professional for advice or more mental health resources for teenagers and adolescents.

The LINK ABOVE is a central resource space for our diverse LGBTI community members.
LGBTQI+ Health Australia acknowledge this is a challenging time for every person. There are particular challenges in our communities, and the Alliance would like offer support in a meaningful way.
We acknowledge the panic, frustration, confusion and uncertainty felt by many of us, in the face of the overwhelming media response to the pandemic. We also acknowledge the particular fears and difficulties that may be faced by LGBTI people. This is a stressful time for all of our community members, who may experience further marginalisation and anxiety.
This resource page aims to assist our community members in adjusting to these changing circumstances and every-day routines such as socialising, working, and meeting our most basic health and well being needs.
We hope it might help you #ConnectWithConfidence when accessing health and support: whatever that looks like for your body, relationship, income or postcode.

Check out the list on the link below to find help lines and chat services, useful information, and other resources that can help you navigate the issue you’re facing.
support carers

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Every month discover new ways to become a part of our movement to create a happier, healthier and more authentically connected world.